Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thanks for Falling Down My Rabbit Hole!

Well, I've finally gone and done it. After threatening for years to create my own blog but instead railing on Facebook, Tweeting (under the real me AND a pseudonym) and pinning like a heroin addict to Pinterest boards -here it is. If  you've landed here for whatever reason, you can expect to find diatribes and advice, humor and anger, sadness and joy and a silver lining about most things.

Some topics will be about motherhood -others about the wilder side of me (although sometimes I think motherhood is the WILDEST damn thing I'll ever experience). There are the topics of love, marriage, divorce, bastards and assfaces, online dating, death, mid-life awakenings and careers to name a few. Travel is a biggie. So is cheese. Red wine, good beer, Swedish Fish and quality television programming may come into play at certain times. Movies and books will most certainly be referenced regularly as will music. So, without further adieu, let me thank YOU for stopping by and filling up on my eclectic musings from my sweet and twisted life.

*If you're easily offended, politically correct or abhor cursing, you should probably NEVER visit this blog again -or maybe you should. Perhaps your uptight walls will start to crumble...

**If you take your religion very seriously, this blog will only upset you.

***If you think a woman should give everything about herself up in order to be a perfect mother and wife -you have ventured FAR out of your territory and will either write an entire blog in the comments or pray for me. I encourage both! But don't feel you ever have to come back...

The rest of you -welcome and enjoy!